Passo Selvatico offers bed&breakfast stays that include:
The price of the double room is Euro 75,00.
In July and August prices will be increased by Euro 5.00 per night.
Passo Selvatico offers bed&boat packages for 2 people that include:
For further informations or other options than what is described, you can contact us via e-mail or by phone using the contacts
provided below.
We will be happy to organize a vacation according to your requirements.
If you fancy a boat trip in the Paradise Gulf, please contact us, we will be glad to propose Ad hoc solutions.
Passo Selvatico offers the possibility of guided tours around Avegno. The price is 25.00 euros per hour in low season (October to April) and 35.00 euros per hour in high season (May to September) and on public holidays.